


¨Don´t give up on that dream…For me and you Rey…¨ -#8

From time to time, I get asked how long I have been in the game and why I choose to put my body through the rigors of the game. Most of the time, I just say long enough and because I like to hit, but then there´s those times where I sit down with a person and share my story around Football.  I tell them about the happiness it brought to me and the everlasting pain it introduced to me to at a young age, how it made me compassionate beyond proportions. It all began in 03´, back at my cousin’s house for the Ravens @ Chargers game on TV.

I was five at the time, just getting to learn about the world and everything going on around it. I didn’t know any thing about sports, media, or politics. I just knew how to make a figure out of lego bricks. I remember hearing my folks in the house screaming at the TV due to the game that was playing, being the curious kid I was I went into the house to see what they were going on about. This is when I learned about Football. I was immediately hooked, no questions asked, besides asking what teams were playing that day.

On that day, I also learned about the man who I look up to every single day on and off the field, #52 Ray Lewis. The swagger he carries, the intensity he brings, the compassion he shows, the wisdom he preaches, he embraces the perks of a role model like no other, someone who truly became something out of nothing.

The next day, I remember asking my mom to sign me up for the nearest Pop Warner Team near us. One would expect her to be all excited about it but her reaction was rather scared and weary. She started to tell me about how my father used to play it in High School and a bit in college, along with baseball.  She said he was a “rare breed”among others at the time and was considered to be a future star in the league. She went on to how he had to quit because he had suffered too many injuries to the head, paying the price later on by becoming mentally unstable and almost killing her when I was still in her belly.

At first, I was nervous after she told me about the effects of Football, but that’s when I recalled a quote I heard from Ray Lewis, the exact words I told her was, “Mommy, I want to be pissed off for greatness!” she slapped me but the smile on her face afterwards told me she was proud of me for wanting to be successful later life, even if that meant sacrificing my body to do so. Next thing you know, I was wearing my first practice uniform, waiting to get my first hit in.


Emotional Wellness

¨As I walk away with my back turned towards the darkness of my soul, I shall fear no evil for that I am reborn.¨


When it comes to keeping my emotions in check personally, I can honestly say that I´m a time bomb waiting to go off and severely affect those around me at the wrong place at the wrong time. From time to time, I tend to have violent episodes of emotional outburst, sometimes ending up in me getting kicked out or going for a driveqlasting from 1 to 2 hours. I never asked to be like this from the moment I was born, but due to the life I had to endure through my 17 years of living, the one thing I can say painfully is never say never. That simple phrase right there is the poisoned truth in terms of trying to be emotionally invincible when in reality, no one is. The few things in life that I feel help me calm my nerves greatly are my brothers, the sport of Football, working out, and hopefully a significant other one day that can relate and understand my struggles.



My family shares the same traits, just not as severe as me. The worst thing that I´ve seen involving emotional unsteadiness is my mom losing it after receiving news about her getting laid off, had to calm her nerves before she reached the crack pipe to ¨relieve the stress¨ at the time. Even with the rough upbringing I´ve endured, there´s no denying the fact that put my family before me for anything and anywhere. They´ve taught me to develop a sense of honor for the name I bare, to never let anyone step on  it freely and ungratefully, but above all, to never give in to the temptation of quitting.

Talofa Visitor!

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I tend to leave songs for you to listen to, to give you an idea of what I listen to and why I like the song, for example, the one I included in this post is called Self control by Frank Ocean which talks about how someone one loves can be used as a way to control their emotions no matter if its bad or good. Hope you enjoy!